So I've been doing research online (shock) and the Slow Carb diet is a Paleo Diet with no legume exclusion and a fruit exclusion instead. This brought me to exploring the Paleo lifestyle and I've found that there are some things shoot off that knee jerk *ugh* reaction.
"I've never seen a fat caveman!"
"You've never seen a cave man.... Probably because he walked out of the cave, sat on his couch cracked a beer and flipped on a porno."
Now I'm sure that there is a certain validity to that statement (the diet gets rave reviews) however we really don't know in any way what the body condition of the average caveman was. I do have to say that after taking a look at a broad range of material I find much of it to make sense and I've even found a few blogs that I really want to take more time and go through based on some very interesting posts.
I'll leave links to them below so you can check them out if you'd like.
Scurvy and lice.